Boot camp week 3 day 7

Didn’t even have time to post this on the right day!!!

Slept in, kids sick so it felt so good

Breakfast, 10:30 am husband made us some fried eggs, cheese and other random stuff. Whole wheat pita

Running errands, cleaning, getting kids ready, heading to my dads house for dinner and brothers engagement party šŸ™‚

Helped assemble dinner and stuff, forgot pics. But it was barbequed kabobs, shish kabobs, chicken, pasta rice and salad.

Dinner at last! My tummy was growling for so long.

They also served cake but I didn’t have any, don’t like the icing.

Headed home and got straight to bed. 11pm
Daughter wake up 11:15. Runs to bathroom, pukes all over floor, goes back to bed. Spend the next 30 mins scrubbing and cleaning the floors.

Exhausted, went back to bed. Tomorow is a better day.

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